Thursday, September 28, 2006

So, sometimes you're blue, but sometimes you're cool. After a few days of lazyness with eyes always looking down, you've got to stand up. The PostSecret webpage helped to keep going with my mysery; things here were a great incentive to "downness" (internet will take A MONTH to be installed [WHATS THE PROBLEM WITH YOU, SKY PEOPLE??], in my first French class I totally blanked and couldn't speak a word, and I started eating badly). At least the weather is amazingly good here, with no "rain showers" for almost 4 days now!!

But then yesterday I had my first class of what's already and by far my favorite module here: Tales of the City. Lots of ideas came to my mind already and papers are floating above my head. Probably just a beginner's brainstorm, but still... I think it was quite a good one. Then (this may seem silly) last night I cooked a great dinner that smelled and tasted a lot like my mum's food back in Brasil, and that made me happier. Then I decided that, instead of pretending that I was trying new things in "Give it a go" (like volleyball [what's new in that?] or capoeira [come on! =/] I decided it was time I really tried something different, for a change. So the first thing I did: volunteer work on Saturday. The second thing: ice skating ('ve always wanted to learn!). The third (and how risky): skiing. And I didn't mention that I'll learn to cook Thai food, I'll go to a Ceileih (is this how you spell it?), and belly dancing. Nothing like a good range of new stuff to pull one together.

Then today my French class was much better and I was language assistant in an advanced class of Portuguese (eu sabia mais que todo mundo!) and of course it felt soooo good.

Tomorrow I'm cooking again and it always makes me feel better. Also I'm going to the movies to see a film I haven't seen yet (for a change) and possibly I'll see Ice Age 2 on Sat!!! I love that film!

Well, that's it for now. Hope you guys are doing all right. And if anyone needs to learn Portuguese, don't hesitate to contact me, cause I'm very good at it! =D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Iza, que bom que vc esta arranjando coisas para fazer!!!!!!
Quero ver e provar seus dotes culinários ano que vem, quando vc vir passar férias aqui, tá?