Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Inspiration at last

It's about time I posted again, isn't it?

Last week was just so productive! I've read a lot (still am) and, most importantly, have decided what to write about in my dissertation. I've chosen the city as my central theme. It will connect the cities of London, Paris and Lisbon so that in the end they will all (luckily) come together in one dissertation. I'm really excited about it and tomorrow I'll have the first meeting with my supervisors (yes, I have two!!) in the English department. Hopefully I'll decide which British author to talk about.

This week has also been excellent. Today I had a great time in a quite unique experience in an English primary school. Promoted by a professor from the French Dept. several students of the University of Sheffield, both British and international, went to this school to talk to the pupils about languages. The British students shared with them their experience abroad, when they went on an exchange program. The international students (me included) were asked to give a "language taster"and in 30 minutes we taught them basic things, such as how to say your name and the numbers, in our native language. And I have to say that Portuguese was a huge success!! The pupils were looking for me afterwards to learn other words and they were really interested in it!!

On the weekend there will be an International Food Evening here. I think it's gonna me really interesting and richly flavored! There'll be food from everywhere for low prices and I think I'll have lots of fun tasting it all!! Other than that the weekend is not that busy, only research and cooking. Actually, I'm glad that I found a pupil here, not for languages, but for cooking!! My flatmate is really excited about making all kinds of desert so this weekend we'll probably have lots of lemon pie and maybe I'll try this recipe I found of blackcurrant and apple pie (
)... Hmm, yummy!

I'll let you know about the international food later and will certainly show you the pics! Too bad you won't be able to taste it!!

Lots of love,

PS: I know I'm cheating because my birthday is still in a week, but I bought my present yesterday! Jamie Oliver's latest book Cook with Jamie! Can't wait for it to arrive!

*Menu of the week: sun dried tomato cappeletti, lemon pie.
*Soundtrack: Incubus
*Film: Solas
*Book: Invisible Cities - Italo Calvino
*Free time: Spider Solitaire (last stage!!)

(this last part of the post is getting longer each week!)
*Menu of the week

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