Sunday, October 28, 2007

Home Sweet Hometown

I'll tell you guys tomorrow night how great my weekend was, but before that, I read something that couldn't wait till tomorrow. The New York Times published today under the section "Travel" an article about my dearest city in Brazil: Belo Horizonte, my hometown!

The article is about BH and its famous reputation of being the Brazilian capital of bars! Of course all Belo-Horizontino knows about it and proudly says out loud that "since we have no sea, we have bars to kill the time"! According to the New York Time, there are 12,000 bars in BH (I didn't know that!), which means that there are more bars per capita in Belo Horizonte than in any other city in Brazil.

We, Belo-Horizontinos, surely enjoy this reputation on our free time, so that when the weekend comes, it's always hard to decide where to go: we can go for nice tira-gosto (appetizers) and a beer in the traditional neighborhood of Santa Tereza; we can go for an intellectual cup of coffee amongst interesting books and people at Cafe com Letras; or we can go for exciting board games and gigantic-portion fries in Soho Pub. Each bar has its own charm, so that everyone, literally EVERYONE can find a place to go on the weekend, with or without company.

To read the NYT article in English, you can click here.
To read a version of the article in Portuguese, you can click here.

And one last thing I must say about my city: I miss it! And I miss its diversity of bars too, because here in Sheffield they are pretty much the same: traditional English pubs!


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