Friday, May 30, 2008


Chegou! A hora tão esperada chegou! Dudu já está aqui e mamãe e papai estão a caminho. Amanhã tão cedo quanto às 6h da matina a família vai estar toda reunida!! E depois vai ser só turismo, viagem e tudo mais que a gente tem direito, com uma paradinha técnica em Perugia para eu ir ao encontro dos Erasmus Mundus. Negócios a parte, a partir de amanhã me voy, então eu, que já andava meio perdida-sumida, vou me perder ainda mais, mas dessa vez na Europa e na melhor companhia!

Até a volta! Prometo muitas fotos! ;)


Friday, May 23, 2008

Things have been crazy lately.

Nothing works: it's been raining all the time (way worse now than it was during the winter); I've been constantly haunted by a creative block that won't go away; associated with the block comes other things that are really getting in the way of my already delayed schedule.

What is it?? Is it just anxiety because my favorite visitors are coming next week or has the world really decided to get on my nerves this week?

I need to work, so, please, give me a break!

Saturday, May 17, 2008


is there a more romantic fruit than a blueberry? maybe there is... maybe 'romantic' is not word I'm looking for. but blueberries are one of the most mysterious fruits for sure. maybe it's the name... b l u e b e r r y ... it sounds so good, like a whisper that came out a little too loud. and, there are two parts: the 'blue', a beautiful colour, brings peace, is deep, is calm, can be trembling, like the waters. the 'berry', a delicious word that makes you want to slowly eat it. that probably was the best word in the world for a fruit... 'berry' juicy word. but it's not only the sound, it's the little fruit in itself. so small, so delicate, always hanging together with others like it... and the color, it can be as blue as it can be purple. it is not blue-blue, it is blueberry-blue. i don't know, there's something in the blueberry that speaks to me more than i can understand. it could the mystery of never having it around, it could be the difficulty in finding it, it could be the suprising contrast in the flavor, it could be the wonderful things you can make with it.

and now comes Kar Wai Wong and makes a film as deeply beautiful as can be with the title 'my blueberry nights'... and as if 'blueberry' was not beautiful enough, it comes together with 'nights'. maybe there will never be words that match more than these two, at least tonight, at least at this moment. blueberry nights. i'd like some, please, with ice cream.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Study in Europe

It´s been a while since I last wrote here, but as you can imagine, lots of work and lots of fun events are getting on my way to my blog! Soon I'll post some great updates about my weekends, but first, I'd like to let you guys know about this new website.

Lots of people come and ask me about tips and help about studying in Europe. Now, thanks to the EU, a brand new website was launched, the Study in Europe! There you guys can find all the information you need about universities, scholarships, life in Europe and everything else you might need. It's a good place to start looking and, if you already know what you want, it's a good place to refine your search. Soon the website will be available in other languages, including Portuguese! =) And, so you guys are more curious to go and take a look, I'm at the website as well, under 'Testimonials' with a cute student-with-a-backpack picture and a short comment about my life here!

Go take a look and start planning your life in Europe!!
